Thursday, December 15, 2005

Here we go...

OK, I've done it. Created a blog. And why not. Everyone's got one. But I kept telling myself, "I don't have time to do this." Then a colleague pointed out that I often send out emails with various tid-bits of information - why not just post this on a blog. And there you have it... Employee Portals 2.0 blog was born.

To kick thing off - here are some items I thought might be of interest.

Can This Man Re-program Microsoft
Last Sunday's NYTimes Business Section:
Very good article about Ray Ozzie,the shift about to hit Bill Gates & Co., how Google is changing the web world

IBM Employees Play with Podcasting
Usage mushrooms after company drafts a liberal podcasting policy similar to the corporate blogging policy

Writely - A free alternative to MS Word
A leading web-based word processor (trying to take on Microsoft Word). Based on AJAX programming language I briefly mentioned at the briefing. Try it - It's rather amazing. And, obviously, free. I expect Google will buy them shortly.
My favorite RSS reader. Free and easy., and
Two very nice 'start pages' - AJAX-based drag and drop of your favorite content sources - from blogs to RSS feeds, weather, sports and news. Netvibes even enables you to display your Google gmail right on the home page. (If you don't have gmail for your home email, it's worth trying. It's free - of course, and better than yahoo or other free email services).

A Little Sleuthing Unmasks Writer of Wikipedia Prank - NYTimes
First serious instance of mis-information being posted intentionally on Wikipedia.

Getting Wiki's Right
SocialText's Ross Mayfield explains the potential of wikis, the collaborative online documents, as new forms of participatory media.

eMail Spills Corporate Secrets
Six percent of workers admitted that they've E-mailed confidential company information to someone they shouldn't have, according to a study released Monday, while 62% said they've used their personal accounts for business purposes to circumvent controls placed on their business accounts.

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